Welcome to the first in an exciting new series, hosted by Rosemary Barnes, creator of ‘Engineering with Rosie’ on YouTube and a seasoned veteran in renewable energy and sustainability industries. In this introduction, Rosie examines the manufacturing industry as it currently stands, and the potential evolutionary opportunities available to businesses and research institutions. Key takeaways from the video include: 

  • The six National Manufacturing Priorities, as outlined by the Australian Government, to increase higher value products 

  • The manufacturing “smiley curve” and its impact on the industry’s competitiveness 

  • The importance of how you manufacture is often more important than what you manufacture.

Presented by

  • Rosemary Barnes

    Manufacturing with Rosie

    Rosemary Barnes

    Rosemary Barnes has a PhD in mechanical engineering and over 15 years of professional experience working as an engineer developing new technologies in wind energy, solar energy and other renewable energy and sustainability industries. Alongside her consultation on technology development and innovation strategy, she hosts the ‘Engineering with Rosie’ YouTube channel which makes engineering exciting and accessible.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Chapter 1
    • What is happening in Australian Manufacturing